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Stames API Overview

The Stames API is a web service that allows users to post or retrieve data on our servers from any website, software or mobile application. The API gives users all the supported functions of our service. The web service uses REST LIKE operations over HTTP POST AND GET requests with parameters URL encoded into the request and it’s response is encoded in JSON.

It is designed to be easy to use and can be implemented in any model computer language that allows generating web requests. In order to use the Stames API, you must sign-up for an account, login and get your API Key from integration settings area.

Additionally while developing your code it is advised to set API mode to TEST to generate some test requests. Using the Stames API or the Website indicates that you have read and accept the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy. If you do not accept these terms, you are not authorized to use this service. Please note that the API can only be used for modules on the Entry plan

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